Newsgroups: rec.arts.anime Path:!isy!liuida!sunic!uunet!!!!!krim From: (Karl "KAL" Rim) Subject: [ FanFic ] Ranma: Dark Half - part 13 ! Message-ID: <> Keywords: Yes, part THIRTEEN!! Sender: (The Network News) Nntp-Posting-Host: Reply-To: (Karl "KAL" Rim) Organization: Columbia University Center for Computing Activities Date: Thu, 8 Apr 1993 04:39:36 GMT Lines: 781 This is a supplement to part 12. If you liked the original ending then feel free to ignore this. If not.. What a shame, I thought that the original wasn't such a bad ending. Of course I had to blow away Continuity, but I'm doing that now anyway. (^_^) Resolving all these little details is a lot harder than you think. __RANMA 1/2__ [ ] [ THE DARK HALF ] [_ _] FAN FICTION PART 13 Previously on Ranma: The Dark Half < As the Fang prepares their final offensive > Image of the Leader: I AM COMING NOW. < The Resistance prepare themselves for their final battle > Blue robed Stranger: Happosai, I need your help to defeat the Fang. < Against a merciless and brutal foe > Green: We want you DEAD. < But the forces of good continue to fight back > Aih: We'll fight you with the last ounce of our strength. < Ranma frees himself completely from the dominance of the Fang > Ranma-chan: I see now, it's all your fault my friends are dead! [ Next frame we see Ranma blowing away GreenCoat ] Ranma-chan: Lion's Death-Roar Canon! < Our heros plan their final all or nothing assault > Ranma-chan: I, Saotome Ranma, swear this carnage will end! < And now, the conclusion > -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= [ Opening animation, Song: Panda Fantasy, a fast paced fighting theme ] SONG: RANMA 1/2!! (echos.. Ranma 1/2.. Ranma 1/2... ) Like a Magic Panda from a Chinese Ledgend Running out of the dojo on feet of air With fists of power, toes of steel Splitting the skies, the earth, the seas! Ranma 1/2! [ Scene opens up as Ranma and his gang are running out from Tendo Dojo. Dr. Tofu stops and looks pensive, holding a mystic seal. Akane smashes a block in half on the way. FireWater appears in a cloud of smoke, uses his Winged Griffin Pounce technique to summon the image of an saphire griffin. Lotion jumps in and throws darts uni-directionally. Ukyou gracefully swings her spatula around. Ranma goes through some of his martial arts forms. An image of a Panda surrounds him while he does this. ] SONG: When the forces of darkness arise! When the demons of night threaten! When the forces of evil attack! Ranma 1/2! [ The forces of the Fang as shadowy figures jump in and then take form. The Strike Commander levels the area around him with his telekinetic power A cloud of mist forms into Taihen, who then promptly comb his hair. The spell caster fades in, her hands crackling with energy. PurpleCoat appears with his eyes glowing hypnotically. GreenCoat flies in lets out a acid bath from his mouth. The outline of the Fang leader appears, hundreds of vampires and zombies flock to the Leader, lightening flashes around them. Then PurpleCoat and GreenCoat stike their fists together and break up the screen ] SONG: Eternal night reigns unchallenged. All hope seems lost, All resistance fades. The innocents cry out! Where are their champions?! Ranma 1/2! [ Next we see zombies and vampires attacking people. Gosunkugi is bitten, eyes start glowing, rips off his shirt and reveals he is wearing a Fang uniform underneath. Kunou, as a Dark-slave, swings his sword around. Kodachi emersed in Black roses, twirls her ribbon around, occassionally striking at targets. Mousse and Shampoo fly through some beautiful battle maneuvers each showing off their skill at a wide assortment of weapons. Ryouga ends the scene with a huge blast of Ki-energy. ] SONG: We are here! We will fight! No matter the odds, No matter the plight! We will strive! We will win! Never give up, not till the end! Ranma 1/2! [ Next scene more vampires are attacking. We see ESPolice officers Kay and Aih in battle gear blowing them away. But more keep coming, suddenly a Giant mecha behind them fires it's HUGE cannon at the horde. Screen whitens with the energy release. ] SONG: You are the ones! The warriors of hope! Guradians of the light! Ranma 1/2! [ Later the main Fang warriors line up and are all about to attack Ranma. Ranma falls back, closes his eyes in concentration, and then unleashes his Dragon-Cyclone technique, blowing everyone away ] Song: Ranma 1/2!!!! [ Ranma takes on a basic martial arts stance as the Logo flashes large and bright behind him, except for 1, as it darkens into black. @@D RANMA: DARK HALF /A @@@@@ @@ /R @@ @@@@ @@ @@@@@@@@@@ /K @@ @@ @@@@@@@@@@ ---------- @@@@@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@ @@@@@@@ @ @ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @ @@@@@ @@ @@@@ @@@ @ @@@@@@ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= [ Ranma-chan is lying on a stone slab in the night ] Ranma-chan: Where am I? Why can't I move? Tsu: I salute you Saotome! [ She brings a metal stake and mallet over her heart.. ] R-chan: Tsu! Stop! Stop!... [ and brings it crashing down ] R-chan: AHHAH!!!! Tofu: Ranma.. Ranma... R-chan: Uhh.. what..where? Tofu: Ranma, we're on a sneak attack, please try to be more quiet. R-chan: I had a dream.. no something more, a vision. Kay: You mean like a precognative dream? You wouldn't happen to be an esper, would you? R-chan: No, I'm not. But if we continue on our course, we may be facing our doom. Tofu: Ranma, why don't you tell us about it? R-chan: Well, it's kind of.. um.. embarrassing. Aih: We're dealing with supernatural forces, it could be important. Tell us everything. * * * Vamp1: Where are we supposed to dump this body? Vamp2: The healing tanks. They should be empty. Vamp1: I don't know why we bother. This guy's already cold. Vamp2: It was PurpleCoat's order. They consider him too be too valuable an asset to lose. Vamp1: Kunou-sempai?! They just don't know him like we knew him. Vamp2: Yeah... * * * Commander: How long should I keep stirring? Kasumi: Until the vegetables turn a golden brown. [ We see the two of them cooking some dish. The Commander has an apron on. (ed note: looks pretty cute!) ] Commander: This is great! I never learned to make anything except instant ramen. Kasumi: See, isn't this easy? We need more pepper. Commander: I got it. OW! The oil hit my finger.. Kasumi: Here, let me take care of it. Commander: No, it's quite alright, I'm a healer.. [ Kasumi takes his hand into hers, they look each other in the eyes...again ] Commander: Kasumi-san... [ looking away ] Uh, I just want to thank you. This might be hard to believe but, these past few moments have been the most happiest time in my life. Before, all I was interested in was power and success. But now I see there is enjoyment in just the simple things in life, like cooking! Kasumi: I had fun too. It's been so long since I had a chance to meet new people.. Commander: You know, I had a dear friend, a long time ago. You remind me of her so much. We were so close... Well, she's dead now, and I don't think I ever really got over it.. but I'm just glad to have met you now.. Kasumi: I'm very glad to make your acquaintance too. I feel that deep down you are a very good man. Commander: Well.. Kasumi: I have never met any one like you before. I can't explain it, but you make me feel so free and excited, as if I was a school girl again. Commander: Kasumi-san Kasumi: Kazuya-san... [ They lean over ] [ Suddenly there's a crash and the two are shaken up. ] Commander: What now?! Stay here, I'll check it out. * * * Tofu: That was umm.. very interesting, Ranma. Ranma-chan: [blushing ] well... Aih: But Ranma, Tsu just died, we left her body back buried in the prison cell. R-chan: Yeah.. Tofu: And isn't your father already married? R-chan: Well, yeah... Tofu: And dead? R-chan: Yeah... [ sadly ] Yeah! [ revelation ] Yeah... [ sadly again ] Aih: And this Lotion-chan, how could she detect her pregnancy so soon? R-chan: Well, I wouldn't really know, I'm not a girl... Tofu: Ahem! Aih: Besides, I hardly think Dr. Tofu would act in such an unscrupulous manner under any circumstances. R-chan: Sorry... Tofu: And paying rent on the house and Dojo? Don't the Tendos already own them? R-chan: Okay, okay... Kay: And isn't this guy Kunou already dead too? Aih: And I just do not sing professionally. R-chan: Alright already! [ The other three have somehow found a coffee table and are enjoying some hot tea and pastries over the conversation. ] * * * Commander: Alright, what's going on?! Purple: There seems to be a slight problem.. [ Dark-slaves Mousse and Soun are wrestling with some brown cloaked stranger. The stranger is actually holding his own between the two ] Commander: Release him. Stanger: Are you in charge here? Commander: I am. Stranger: Then you are to blame! Commander: Who are you? What is your business here? Stranger: You make me sick! You leave me hanging for this long and then completely forget about me?! I won't forgive you! [ Leaps up to the Commander, but PurpleCoat intercepts ] Purple: Have a care, stranger. You have no authority here. Your empty boasts mean nothing to us. Now explain yourself. Who are you? Stranger: Your worst nightmare... [ reaches for a vial in his cloak ] I still have my ace in the hole... * * * [ Elsewhere our heros are preparing for their assault ] Tofu: Ranma, I think your dream had much truth to it. Ranma-chan: What do you mean? Tofu: About how you really feel. R-chan: Huh? Hehehe.. Tofu: I think it did contain a special warning for all of us. R-chan: Really? Tofu: Yes, [ picking up a stake ] What we *should* do to any vampires. R-chan: ... Tofu: And what we must do to even our fallen friends... But it's too late to go back for Tsu. R-chan: Watch where you're pointing that thing.. Tofu: Ranma, I think what you saw may have been A future not neccesssarily THE future. R-chan: You've got to be kidding. Tofu: It tells us many things and helps us prepare for them. R-chan: Like what? Tofu: Ranma, are you prepared to die? R-chan: What?! Tofu: I'm serious, Ranma. Are you ready to die for what you believe in? R-chan: I.. I... Tofu: It's all depends on your outlook. What ever it will be, it will influence your split-second decisions at a critical moment and might make all the difference in the world. R-chan: ..I AM! [ Aih and Kay are in their own little discussion ] Aih: Kay-kun, are you sure you're up to this? Kay: I guess I just have to be.. What about you? Aih: I'm far from defenseless. Look what I found. [ shows him some spatulas ] They're not what I'm used to, but they'll do for throwing projectiles. Kay: Aih-say, before we continue, I just want to tell you.. umm.. Aih: Yes? Kay: Um.. I hope we both get out of this together. Aih: [ smiling ] We always do. Kay: It's just that.. I had the same dream.. * * * [ Elsewhere, a figure is lying lifeless. It seems to be just floating in space, on a thin thread between death and life. Suddenly his eyes flash open. Struggling up, the person only utters a single thing. ] "Rejuvenation.. !" * * * Stranger: With this vial I shall attain victory!... UGH! [ He was standing right in front of the chamber doors before they came crashing open ] Purple: And we just fixed the door... Commander: You again?! Can't GreenCoat do anything right? Purple: You know, I'm getting pretty tired of this. You always attack, we always beat you and imprison you. Then you always escape and attack again. Ranma-chan: You're pretty confident, What makes you so sure you're going to win again?! Purple: History. Ranma-chan: Blast you! Commander: You mere mortals! You can not hope to stand against my power! [ He lifts up his hand and large pieces of debris start floating over Ranma-chan and the others. Just as he drops them the debris falls for half a foot and then just remain suspended in mid air ] Commander: WHAT?! Impossible! Kay: No it is not. I am an ESPolice officer, I have the power too! [ eyes glow ] [ He redirects the debris toward the Strike Commander. As it reaches him, the debris shatter into smaller pieces ] Commander: Another esper, eh? But you are still young, you lack experience and the killer instinct. But no matter, if it is battle you crave, it is battle you shall have! [ The two begin their awesome telekinetic fight, suberb special effects ] [ Everyone else charges into battle picking a partner ] Ryouga: Ranma! You will now die by my hand! R-chan: Ryouga! Where did you come from?! [ Ryouga slips off his belt and whips Ranma-chan with it. The force of the blow knocks her down. Then without missing a beat, Ryouga wraps his belt around her neck and starts choking her. ] Ryouga: Die! R-chan: Gasp.. no strength ... too weak ... [ Soun, in full battle armor, is attacking Dr. Tofu with a heavy spear ] Soun: Die! Tofu: Please, Mr. Tendo, don't make me hurt you. [ Mousse is attacking Aih with his throwing weapons ] Mousse: Die! [ amazingly she just gracefully dodges all his attacks ] Aih: Can't you guys say anything else? [ she flips out three spatulas and throws them expertly at him ] Mousse: [ blocking them all ] The fight is just beginning! Aih: I couldn't agree more. [ Her initial attack was but a diversion, Aih gets in close and hits him right in the face with an open palm. The impact is so great it knocks Mousse's glasses off and Mousse for a loop. ] Aih-Smash! Mousse: What.. hit me? Purple: The fight is even so far, but that will change when I.. Stranger: [ getting up ] Wait.. I'm not finished speaking yet... Purple: [ ignoring him ] Where are the Fang Troopers?! What's taking them so long to get here? [ in answer to his question, a low echoing voice fills the room, all combatants stop their fighting and listen ] Voice: I am the Itch you cannot Scratch.. [ PurpleCoat starts stamping his foot ] I am the Cooking Oil that fries you alive... [ The Strike Commander stares at his burnt finger ] I am... [ With a giantic explosion of smoke, a figure in blue robes appears, he's wearing the faceplate of.. ] ..FireWater! Happosai: And his sidekick Happosai! [ He's appears beside FW wearing a blue cape and mask ] FireWater: While you Fang aristocrats were in here, we destroyed the roof of this building. Right now, all your vampire forces are being dissolved by the late afternoon sun. Purple: FireWater! I had hoped that you had somehow survived.. so that I could kill you with my own bare claws! Stranger: Wait! I am your opponent! Come back! Purple: [ He leaps up to FW, and is about to gives a mighty blow towards his chest, FW confidently braces himself ] OW... My fist...! [ FW swings his right arm and slams a chain into PurpleCoat, knocking him down. He takes out his right arm, beneath his robes. He has a shiny metal shield attached to it] FW: Do you know what these are, old friend? Purple: What.. the weapons.. But that's impossible! FW: Things have changed, PC. Happy, take out the roof! Purple: No! [ PurpleCoat leaps back into battle, the two clash between his razor fingernails and FW's newly acquired weapons ] Happosai: Happosai FireCracker! Stranger: Happosai! At last I've found you! [ The stranger takes the canister and crushes it over his head. Then he throws off his robe. Suddenly he grows into a winged Minotaur with Octopus arms ] Happosai: Panty-hose Tarou! Long time no see.. [ In response the Minotaur just growls. Happosai throws his bombs at him but he just throws them back. Happosai quickly recovers and concentrates to grow to his Giant form. Soon the two are locked in a titanic struggle, amazingly the ceiling remains undamaged. Normally Panty-hose Tarou could not stand up against Happosai, but right now Happosai isn't up to his peak strength, he has been imprisoned, starved and isolated from girls for a long time. It's an even fight ] FW: You are a fool to challenge my power now! [ slams PurpleCoat with another swipe of the chain ] Purple: ARGHH!!! The weapons, my powers can't directly affect them. I need another tool. Ryouga, assist me! [ Ryouga leaves the semi-conscous Ranma-chan dazed on the floor ] Ryouga: Roaring Lion's Bullet! [ The blast of energy shears toward FW. He puts up his shield to block, which protects him from the worst of the blast. But the raw energy is too much as his robes are blown away ] Ryouga: Eh?! [ When the energy bolt dies down, the figure is cluctching the shield and chain for dear life, but other than having his clothing blown away, FireWater seems no more worse for wear. Strangely enough, he has the body of a very attractive young girl with long brown hair dressed in nothing but a now tattered and revealing blue shirt and the faceplate. She was wearing elevated shoes to give the illusion of being 6'5'' ] Purple: ...! FW: [ recovering ] Uh, now you know my true form. But no matter, with this arrow of power, I shall smite victory! [ Draws a silver arrow with a bow ] Purple: Nooo! [ he's still to weak from the chain beating to stop her ] Happosai: Sensei! I never knew you were so cute! [ He returns to his normal form and jumps to his sensei, hugging her silky legs ] FW: Happy! You fool, let go..! [ Panse Tarou sees his chance and swipes them both with a massive blow from his tentacles. Happy flies through a reinforced window, not being strong enough to withstand the impact. Panse Tarou follows, making an even bigger hole than before. FireWater is thrown into a wall, with a gasp of pain she drops her weapons and her faceplate is knocked off. As it skids across the floor, we see her face. ] Ukyou: My head... swimming... Stop the teleportation spell, or all is lost.. [ falls unconscious ] [ But everyone has other concerns ] Purple: Sun-light! Someone seal that hole! Commader: You are brave, boy, but no match for me. [ He has defeated Kay. Now freed of any distraction, he uses his levitation powers to seal off the hole Panty-hose Taro made. This is taking several minutes ] [ Dr. Tofu, being defensive, is suffering from a gaping spear wound while Soun advances. Likewise, Aih has no match for Mousse's melee weapons, despite her initial attacks ] Ranma-chan: [ searching Panse Tarou's discarded cloak desperately ] Here, I knew I'd find one! [ picks up a canister ] And it's warm [ feeling it ] [ He empties the contents over himself, a small puff of steam forms as he transforms back to a man ] Ranma: Now to help the others.. [ Ranma throws two more vials, one at Ryouga and the other at Mousse. Ryouga, too shocked at the revelation of Ukyou while Mousse is to too engrossed with his battle with Aih, don't see the canisters coming. They both transform into their relatively harmless forms. Aih slaps Mousse again and knocks him into P-chan. They both are knocked unconscious. ] Ranma: Now, face the full power of Saotome Ranma! Crackling-Fire-Speed-Fist! Soun: Eh? OOF! [ falls before Ranma's 100 punch/sec strike ] Aih: Ranma, thank you.. Ranma: Who's next?! Tofu: Ranma.. you just hit Mr. Soun. Something you would have never done before... Ranma: Mr. Soun.. my second father... Tofu: Ranma, don't lose to your Dark Half again.. Ranma: [ angry ] It's all your're fault! Purple: Ranma.. [ recovering ] you don't want to fight us. Ranma: You killed my father! Purple: No, you're father is alive. Ranma: What?! You lie! I remember killing him... [ voice trails off ] Purple: No, he lives. That was only a vampire transformed into a Panda. Ranma: My father.. is alive? Purple: Yes, he's alive and he's right here. Ranma: What? Where? Purple: Oh, very close, in fact [ takes off his hat ], I am your father! [ It's Genma! ] Ranma: No..No..! [ clutching his head ] Genma: Ranma, why are you trying to kill me again? Ranma: I.. you.. He.. But... IT'S A LIE! Genma: No, search your feelings, you know it's true. I never told you, I wanted to protect you from my life. But now I see that was a mistake. Ranma: It's a lie, please let it be a lie... Genma: Join me, son! You are powerful! Even the Strike Commander fears you, we can rule the Fang Empire together, Father and Son! Ranma: ...No... I don't believe you... Genma: Ranma... Ranma: I HATE you! You ran out on me, making me believe I killed you! [ throws a canister at Genma ] Genma?: Wah! Cold! Ranma: I knew it, still human. I'll kill you! Purple: Well, if this form is unpleasing to you, I can change to another. [ starts shimmering into another form ] Ranma: I'm won't be fooled by any more of your transformations! Purple: I know all about you, Ranma. Your strengths and weaknesses. I really did admire you, I'm sorry it had to end this way. Ranma: Save your threats for school girls... [ Purple transforms into a Giant Ghost Cat ] ...ARGHH!!! Keep away from me! [ The GhostCat pounces at Ranma, but Ranma runs off too fast. The chase goes on for a little while until Ranma, not watching where he is going, crashes into the reinforced window. ] Ranma: Uh... Commander: And I just fixed it. Purple: Nooo! More sun-light!! [ collapses ] Aih: You're our last hope, Saotome Ranma. Tofu: Go Ranma, we can't help anymore, we're too weak.. Kay: Fight and win for us, Ranma... Ukyou: Go Ran-chan.. Stop the teleportation... [ They all fall unconscious due to their injuries ] Ranma: Ucc-chan... [ Before she collapses, Ukyou points to beyond the end of the chamber. In it is a woman in pitch black robes in the middle of casting some huge spell. ] Commander: [ who has just finished repairing the window... AGAIN ] It's just you and me now, Ranma. Ranma: Stand aside! I have to stop that teleportation spell! The safety of the city depends on it! Commander: You little niave fool. How much you do not know. Ranma: I said move it! [ He jumps towards him ] Commander: Stop! You cannot approach me! Ranma: Says who?! [ gets pounded by flying debris ] Commander: You cannot come near me with my power. Ranma: Fine then, if I can't touch you.. Roaring Lion's Bullet! [ Ranma sends a beam of energy at the Commander, but he blocks with the palm of his hand ] Commander: You have to do better than that. Ranma: Roaring Lion's Bullet! [ Ranma repeated fires, but he can't bypass the Commander's defense ] Ukyou: Ran-chan... [ resisting unconsciousness ] Tofu: Ranma... [ holding on to his wounded arm ] Aih: Ranma.. [ pushing herself up against a wall ] Kay: Ranma... [ stirring from unconsciousness ] Ranma: Blast, there has to be some way.. [ Flashback ] Genma: Ranma, the whole point of this exercise is to learn the Cat-fist techinique. When up against a foe more stronger than you, it is important to know as many fighting styles as possible. This way you can combine your attacks to make an unbeatable offense! Little Ranma: No! I hate cats! Not again! Genma: We will continue training until we get it right! [ drops little Ranma into a cat pit ] [ Present ] Ranma: That's it! Saotome Meteor-Shower Punch! [ he lets out a huge blast of energy ] Commander: HA! I can stop even this energy manifistation... ULP! Tofu: What? One got through! Commander: How... Ranma: I'm combining my techniques. I'm hitting so fast, you can't hope to defend yourself. Commander: You can't defeat me with this cheap trick! Ranma: Fine, let's do it again! Roaring Lion's Crackling Fire Bullet Speed Fist! ( let's keep it to Meteor-Shower Punch, it's shorter ) [ Ranma lets out a combination of his two techniques. 100 energy bolts fly out towards his target ] Commander: Impossible! UHHH!! [ gets clobbered by several blows ] Ukyou: Ran-chan! Tofu: Ranma! Ranma: Had enough? Commander: Fu. Your blows, when seperated like this, lack strength. I would image you must be near exhaustion as well. Ranma: Pant..Pant.. He's right. Commander: I only have to delay for another moment, and then the Leader shall come with the Elite Guard! We shall crush you... UGHH! My chest.. [ clutching the first wound caused by Ranma ] Ranma: Don't have much time, I have to take him out NOW! Ukyou: Ranma, catch! [ she throws him a bow and the silver arrow ] Commander: The ancient weapons! My power can't affect them... Ukyou: Hurry, Ran-chan, this weapon has power enough to kill him! Ranma: Prepare for the end! [ takes careful aim ] Commander: No! Kasumi: What's all the noise? [ She arrives carrying a plate of food to the Commander ] Commander: Do you dare fire now? [ He grabs her ] Kasumi: Kazuya-san, not in front of the children.. [ He places her right in front of him ] Ranma: Whoops! [ almost fires the arrow but just stops himself ] Tofu: Kasumi! Kasumi: Eh? Dr. Tofu.. Kay: Ranma... Aih: Ranma... Ukyou: Ran-chan, hurry, it's almost too late! Tofu: Ranma! If you miss... Ranma: Forgive me Kasumi... [ takes aim again ] But I'm afraid I'm going to do a lot worse before the end of the day. Commander: You're crazy! Stop! Kasumi: Kazuya-san... Tofu: Kasumi! Ranma: Ummmm! [ Ranma pulls back on the bow and lets the arrow fly ] Kay: Ranma! Aih: Ranma! Commander: No!! I can't do it! [ He quickly pushes Kasumi behind him, the silver shaft embeds in his heart ] Kasumi: Kazuya-san! Commander: Kasumi-san, Thank you for your cooking. It smells wonderful. I'm sorry I didn't have a chance to taste it... Kasumi: Kazuya-san... Kazuya-san!!! [ shaking him, no response ] ... Ukyou: Hurry! It's almost too late! [ Ranma and the rest, suddenly rejuvenated with the possibility victory tap into their reserves and run towards the spellcaster. Just as they reach her, they are all blown back by a burst of air. ] Purple: [ in pain ] The Leader... is here! Hahahaha.. cough cough ouch.. [ A figure in tattered brown robes walks in ] Leader: THIS IS MY WELCOMING? I AM VERY DISPLEASED. Aih: You're going to be even more displeased than that! Leader: SILENCE! I SEE MY AGENTS HAVE FAILED. NO MATTER. I SHALL DEAL WITH THIS MYSELF. [ From the Leader's fingertips, bolts of lightening fly out and strike everyone down. ] Kasumi: [ watching nearby ] The others, they need me.. I can't let this bother me.. Not now.. Mother... Ranma: I'm not finished yet..! [ struggling to get up ] Leader: WHAT STRENGTH, WHAT DETERMINATION! I SHALL ENJOY BREAKING YOU. Ranma: Never...! ARGH!! [ gets blasted again ] Leader: I AM A GOD. I AM ALL POWERFUL. YOU CAN NOT STOP ME. Ranma: What's the big deal about being a god?! Saotome Meteor-Shower Punch! [ rains force-bolts at the Leader ] [ But the leader just blocks them all with a protective energy field ] Leader: YOU FOOL. Ranma: ARGHH! [ Ranma is constantly blasted by lightening from the Leader's fingertips, over and over again. But Ranma refuses to give up and advances slowly, painfully and very costily ] Father.. help me... Leader: CALL OUT TO YOUR ANCESTORS, THEY CAN NOT HELP YOU NOW. [ Flashback ] Genma: Ranma, this our secret technique: Sometimes you have to run away in order to defeat your enemy. It's something they never expect. [ Present ] Leader: DIE! Ranma: Saotome Secret! Leader: WHAT?! Ranma: Some tricks always work. [ The Leader sens a massive bolt of energy at Ranma. Ranma, instead of facing it, this time retreats and easily avoids the path of the bolt. He jumps around and bounces off a side wall and lands near the Leader ] Leader: WHERE? Ranma: Here I come! Kasumi: Ranma! Watch out for the cross fire! Leader: EH?! THAT FACE...?! [ At that moment's distraction, Ranma manages to belt the Leader right in the breadbasket ] Ranma: Gotcha! Leader: OOF!! YOU DARE STRIKE ME?! YOU WILL PAY FOR THAT! [ The smell of ozone starts filling the area ] [ Pan back to the outskirts of Kunou Manor. Despite the activities going on, it remains a beautiful sunny day. The scene slowly pans back to the city. Despite all the deaths, the city is still busy, hustling, going on with it's everyday business, oblivious to the cosmic struggle going on between good and evil. Pan back to show the country of Japan just sitting serenely in the sea. Pan back again to show the earth, a great blue dot of hope in space ] "FIGHT ON RANMA! GOD IS WITH YOU!" [ Then we hear Ranma's cries of pain echoing across the globe. ] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Character Profile: Lo-shin (Lotion) A young girl from Shampoo's village. She appears to be slightly younger than Shampoo and also very good friends with every one from the village. She is a very liberated '90s type girl, not wishing to conform to the old customs of the village, especially the mating ritual. But she's still dreams of finding Mr. Right. Lo-shin is also a bit more impulsive and belligerent than Shampoo and seems to enjoy fighting very much. She also has less compulsions against killing or maiming. Considering her residence, she is highly skilled in the fighting arts, although she personally knows no special or magical techniques, she is still a VERY strong fighter and has lots of potential. Her specialty is wtih throwing weapons, she can make simply incredible shots. Her hair braid is made up a steel braid, spiked on one end. She keeps little weapons like these all over her body hidden as ornaments. Physcial Description: A cute chinese girl about 16 yrs old. She dresses similarly to Shampoo. She has bright blue hair arranged in a long braid-pony-tail. She sort of looks like a cross between Ranma-chan and Shampoo. She looks a bit younger than Shampoo but more exotic/foreign than Ranma-chan.