: TO : MTS@gnv.ifas.ufl.edu ........ Tom Sanford : murray@seattleu.edu ......... MaryAnne Murray : stever@tessi.com ............ Steve Rintala : SMIRNES@IMIHSRA.BITNET ...... S. Palazzi, MD : PHIP@TEMPLEVM.BITNET ........ Tina Phipps, Ph.D. : RRICCIUT@WCU.BITNET ......... Rae Ricciuti FROM: broedel@geomag.gly.fsu.edu .. Bob Broedel : RE : neurotrophic factors (BDNF) : === Body Substances May Aid in Treatment of Nervous System Diseases By Boyce Rensberger Washington Post Staff Writer === Scientists have discovered that certain natural compounds in the body can keep damaged nerve cells alive under circumstances that normally would kill them. They say it may be possible to develop the substances into an entirely new class of drugs to treat afflictions that result from nerve cell death such as Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, ALS (or Lou Gehrig's disease) and injuries that sever nerves. While the scientists are willing to suggest such prospects, they emphasize that the compounds' remarkable powers have only just been discovered in relatively simple experiments and that it will be years before they can become useful drugs, if ever. The substances, about half a dozen of which are known, are called neurotrophic factors. One is already being tested in patients with ALS, or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, the progressive, nerve-destroying disease whose best known victim today is Stephen Hawking, the almost totally paralyzed astrophysicist. "This is potentially a very, very powerful tool to limit or even reverse the degenerative process underlying many different diseases," said Irwin J. Kopin, associate director of the National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Stroke, who has been watching the field develop over recent years. "But it's going to be a long time in the future." The newest, and some say the strongest, claims for these compounds are being published in today's issue of the journal Nature. Three research teams in the United States and Germany report that a chemical called BDNF, for brain-derived neurotrophic factor, can keep motor neurons alive even when their long axons are cut in two. Motor neurons are nerve cells that carry the signal that tells muscles to move. The main part of each such cell, the "cell body" that contains the nucleus and other "vital organs," lies within the spinal cord and sends out one long filament, called the axon, that carries the signal. Axons can be several feet long. A nerve is a bundle of many axons. Ordinarily when a motor nerve's axon is cut, the result is not just a cell with a stub of an axon. Instead, for reasons that have long been puzzling, the whole cell dies. "We don't really know what makes a cell give up the ghost," said William D. Snider, a neurologist who did some of the new research at the Washington University medical school in St. Louis. "But what we've got now is an agent that stops that from happening." Snider and his colleagues tested BDNF on newborn rats by cutting the animals' sciatic nerves, which run from their spinal cord down their legs, and then placing the substance directly in the wound. In untreated animals, nearly half of the neurons died within six days. The animals that got BDNF sustained very few neuronal deaths. Michael Sendtner and colleagues at the Max Planck Institute for Psychiatry in Martinsried, Germany, report in the same issue of Nature that they found much the same results when severing nerves that go to facial muscles in newborn rats. BDNF, like other neurotrophic factors, is thought to be released by certain tissues in the body to help developing nerve cells guide their axons as they grow out from the spinal cord and snake toward their target muscles. Snider and his colleagues found that motor nerve axons in newborn rats transport BDNF toward the cell body. The idea, so far unproven, is that axons headed in the wrong direction pick up little or no BDNF and therefore die while those following the right path live. A third report in the journal confirms BDNF's role in development. Ronald W. Oppenheim of Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, N.C., and his colleagues showed that when chick embryos are dosed with BDNF, motor neurons that normally die of "programmed cell death" at a key stage, keep on living. Snider said that once animals mature, there appears to be no more BDNF flowing in the system. "This is a strong caveat in applying this work to patients," Snider said. "No one has yet shown this kind of effect in adult animals. Still, it's exciting because anthing that promotes survival of the neuron could have clinical potential." BDNF, which was discovered by Yves A. Barde, a member of the German group, has been patented, and the rights are now owned by Amgen Inc., a biotechnology firm in Thousand Oaks, Calif. An Amgen scientist, Qiao Yan, was a co-author of two of the papers. == end of als 3 ==