=============================================================== == == == ----------- ALS INTEREST GROUP ----------- == == ALS Digest (#42, 05 MAY 1993) == == == == To subscribe, to unsubscribe, to request back issues, == == to contribute notes, etc. to ALS Digest, please send == == e-mail to: == == bro@huey.met.fsu.edu (Bob Broedel) == == == == All interested people may "broadcast" messages to == == ALS Digest subscribers by sending to: == == als@huey.met.fsu.edu == == == == *From* CompuServe, the address would be: == == >Internet:bro@huey.met.fsu.edu == == >Internet:als@huey.met.fsu.edu == == == == The month of May has been designated by the US Congress == == as: /// NATIONAL ALS AWARENESS MONTH /// == == == =============================================================== (1) ===== Building the ALS network (continued) ========== (a) ----- From: foster FRIE DS.IN.TIME hall Date: Mon, 3 May 93 20:45:13 MDT Dear Bob, I'm anxious to receive your back issues. Do they document your history and reasons for ALS info net? I was diagnosed will ALS in 1981; RN from 73-82; quad; dysarthic; access computer via mouthstick and Words + products; "consult" and "lecture" at various levels (eg nursing program, med school, hospitals, etc) and my friend, Michael Gray (dgray@carina.unm.edu), has opened a non-profit assistance program for local ALS folks. Our local support group recently celebrated 3rd anniversary; I attempt to produce quarterly newsletter emphasizing positive, thoughtful information about LIVING with ALS. My humility fain bids mine discontinuence of discourse. Looking forward to your sharing, Foster Hall (b) ----- CompuServe Mail Date: 04-May-93 18:19 EDT From: Barry Goldberg [71154,330] <71154.3301@compuserve.com> Subj: New to CompuServe Having just joined CompuServe, I've been looking for a forum which includes those of us with ALS. I was diagnosed in January of 1990 and operate my computer using the DragonDictate voice recognition system. That's why I began with CompuServe since Prodigy is not compatible and, although it has an ALS bulletin board, I cannot use this voice system with their architecture. Are there any others with ALS on this service -- and how can I get in touch with all of you just to compare notes and exchange information and feelings? Nice to almost meet you! Barry Goldberg (c) ----- Date : 05 May 93 00:43:47 EDT From : David Eveleth <70471.2427@CompuServe.COM> Subject: Re: ALS Interest Group 4 May 1993. I'm interested in hearing more about the ALS interest group. I am a researcher in the area of neurodegen- erative diseases and have particular interest in the development of the newer drugs (myotrophin, CNTF, etc) and the animal model (mnd mouse, etc). I am also on the internet directly (Eveleth@UCIVMSA.bitnet) although I check my compuserve mail much more frequently. Sincerely, David Eveleth (2) ===== Genetics database ========== This notes was taken from the MEDLIB-L list. ------------------------------------ Date : Fri, 30 Apr 1993 13:11:18 -0400 Sender : Medical Libraries Discussion List : From : Kerryn Brandt Subject: Re: online mendelian inheritance in man ------------------------------------ Attached is information on access to OMIM and GDB. For prompt service, please contact GDB User Support as indicated, NOT the Welch Library number/address in Mari Stoddard's posting below. Thanks. ------------------------------------ Kerryn Brandt William H. Welch Medical Library The Johns Hopkins University ------------------------------------ GDB(TM) and OMIM(TM) ==================== Gene Mapping Data and Phenotypic Descriptions in support of the International Human Genome Initiative an international collaboration hosted at The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and the William H. Welch Medical Library Baltimore, Maryland USA GDB (Genome Data Base) ---------------------- GDB contains human gene mapping information and has been available since 1990. Members of the Human Gene Mapping Workshops (HGMW) are responsible for entering and continuously updating the data. Users can retrieve the following types of information: o loci (genes, fragile sites, DNA segments) arranged by map location; data include symbol, name, chromosome location, MIM number o polymorphisms and alleles o probes (cloned probes, PCR primers, ASOs) o sources (journals, books, theses, personal communications) o contacts (for probes and GDB/OMIM users) o maps (genetic and physical maps). There is a direct searching link through MIM numbers to the corresponding entries in OMIM. OMIM (Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man) ------------------------------------------ OMIM, the full-text database of Dr. Victor A. McKusick's Mendelian Inheritance in Man (MIM), has been available since 1987 and is updated daily. Entries are arranged by clinical disorder or trait and include the following types of information: o name o MIM number o clinical observations o inheritance patterns o references o allelic variants (present in many entries) o chromosome location (present in many entries) o defective gene products (associated with many entries) o linkage information o date last edited. Searchers can locate information in OMIM and then use the MIM number or chromosome location to find additional information in GDB. A direct searching link through MIM numbers to GDB is planned for the future. Online Access to GDB and OMIM ----------------------------- GDB and OMIM are available via SprintNet(R)(formally Telenet(R)) or Internet. SprintNet access requirements: IBM-compatible PC, Apple Macintosh, or terminal (VT100 is adequate; VT220 supports function keys) communications software (a commercially available communications program or WelComm for PC / WelComm for Macintosh: prepared specifically for accessing GDB/OMIM) modem (Hayes-compatible if using WelComm software) Internet access requirements: communications software (such as public-domain package NCSA Telnet for PC and Macintosh) Available Services ------------------ The following services are currently available at no cost. o account set-up o WelComm software o documentation o training o online searching o help-line support For additional information and registration, please contact: GDB User Support Applied Research Lab William H. Welch Medical Library 2024 E. Monument Street Baltimore, MD 21205 USA Phone: (410) 955-7058 Fax: (410) 614-0434 Internet: help@welch.jhu.edu == end of als 42 ==