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14283: Re: Re[2]: [MUD-Dev] Fw: 16K mud server competition !

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From: "Quzah" <quzah@hotmail.com>
Newsgroups: nu.kanga.list.mud-dev
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2000 14:01:41 -0700
References: [1]
Organization: Kanga.Nu
From: Derek Snider <derek@idirect.com>
> Yeah, but your GP language and the MUD code and data all combined
> would have to fit in 16K ... that's getting pretty tight.
> What's the smallest size that anyone's been able to get MUD networking
> code down to? (Written in C or C++)  Does it include buffered input/output?
> Full error checking?   ...just curious...  I feel that the networking code
> is going to take up around 4K of valuable space... unless I'm way off.

Nod. I have mine down to 5587, including "main", and all comments. Sans
comments it's less than 4k. I could make it smaller, but then it wouldn't
be "readable". (As it is, I'm not sure how well it'll pass for "readable".)

Though I doubt my entry will be much more than that. I seem to not have
the time/motivation at the moment. I'll pry finish up by tossing in a bit
of a rewrite to my maze generator, and add in a combat sequence or some
sort of thing. Shrug. I was going to make it so you could define your own
variables, but I have a nasty habbit of not being able to narrow down my
selections, and to keep rewriting what I've just written...

Both are not a good combination when you're trying to conserve the time
and size you're putting into the project.

Oh, I'm using C btw. If any one wants my sockets, email me.


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