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16456: [MUD-Dev] Announcing: Pan

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From: J C Lawrence <claw@kanga.nu>
Newsgroups: nu.kanga.list.mud-dev
Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2001 12:46:22 -0800
Organization: Kanga.Nu
I've opened the PAN list for public subscription and made the past
traffic (what there is of it) publicly archived.  See:


In doing this I'm finally following up on some conversations with
Brian Green on the Pan list (don't ask) following the last MUD-Dev
dinner at Spin-A-Yarn.

What is the idea?

  The base idea is to implement a sourceforge-like system that is
  better tailored to MUD development, with particular attention paid
  to shared interactive development and hosting of execution
  environments on the shared system(s).  As such there are source
  repositories, the ability to make changes, forks, and branches,
  to build a source tree as of a given level, to execute that tree
  within a defined execution environment, and finally for the
  developers and/or multiple others to access that execution
  environment and experiment with the results.

English translation:

  -- There will be cross-patform collaboration systems (editors,
  whiteboards, chat, messaging services, mailing lists, web boards,
  WikiWikis, etc).

  -- There will be code repositories covering servers, clients,
  MUDlibs, etc.  
  -- You'll be able to browse this libraries online.
  -- You will be able to cehckout copies of those sources sets to
  your local system.

  -- You will be able to create new source sets and to edit them

  -- You will be able to compile and __RUNE__ the results of your
  experimentation and to have it executed (servers and MUDlibrs
  only) on the Pan system.

  -- You and others will be able to connect to that running server
  to experiment and play with what you created.

  -- You will be able to review others projects and experiments.  

The ultimate purpose is to assist in creating a renaissance in game
design and development by removing much of the barrier to entry to
experiementing with MUD related concepts, models, structures, ideas,
etc, and to support and encourage applied collaborative development
and review of such experiments by providing a framework that allows
such experiments to be developed and reviewed among an audience of
like minded and interested peers.

J C Lawrence                                       claw@kanga.nu
---------(*)                          http://www.kanga.nu/~claw/
--=| A man is as sane as he is dangerous to his environment |=--

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