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22550: Re: [MUD-Dev] Time Theory

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From: Torgny Bjers <artovil@arcanerealms.org>
Newsgroups: nu.kanga.list.mud-dev
Date: Sun, 17 Mar 2002 11:27:10 +0100
Organization: Kanga.Nu
On 02-03-17 05.02, "David Kennerly" <kallisti@tahoesnow.com> wrote:

> Game Date = Real Date
> Scheduling meetings for groups of players (guild, village, world)
> is best done through real-world dating.  Of course the real-world
> has time zone problems.  So be it.  In the real-world many have to
> schedule time-zones with others in other time zones.  This is more
> reason not to burden the player with yet another conversion to
> remember.

In this case the beat time serves an excellent purpose.  I know that
it never had the impact that Swatch wanted it to have, but I still
think it is very good for Internet meetings and schedules.


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