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25145: RE: [MUD-Dev] Star Wars Galaxies: 1 character per server

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From: "Hulbert, Leland" <LHulbert@czn.com>
Newsgroups: nu.kanga.list.mud-dev
Date: Fri, 20 Dec 2002 17:47:32 -0500
Organization: Kanga.Nu
Michael Tresca wrote:

> I'm still waiting to here the opposite proposition: built-in
> muling.  Anyone have any games that do this?  I can imagine it
> would be a pointed based system around multiple characters.  It
> would be balanced and probably a real hoot to play.

Another possible way to set up built in muling would be to bring
back the old paper RPG concept of henchmen.

Henchmen were never good for much.  But they each had a (mostly
single) purpose that they WERE good for.  Want a pack mule?  Buy
one.  Need a caddy?  Hire one.  Need a couple dozen foot soldiers? 
You can hire them, too.

Now, mob AI for simple, single-function henchmen is fairly simple.
I think even ZORK II had a simple NPC who could follow orders.
Soldiers would have to have a generic fight/flight response layered
on top of that.  But many MUD currently have mobs with at least that
much sophistication.  Add a good process for billing the customer
for hours/days of service, and you've got an economic sink to throw
some of the ever-present gp into.  This is all doable.

For extra kicks, add a reputation system, so the soldiers raise
their rates when General Custer shows up to hire a few more cannon
fodder.  Or some henchmen with no game benefits besides their RP.
Perhaps a squire for your knight-errant.  Or maybe just a butler.
Shopkeepers have been done, but what stops us from expanding to
other professoins?

And, anytime you find that a paricular class of henchman is too
complex to model as AI, you have a new idea for a character class.
Players like complexity.  If being governor of the city takes
brains, let your players do it, and go back to coding farmers and
cows.  Your players will thank you for it.


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