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26243: RE: [MUD-Dev] Star Wars Galaxies: 1 character per server

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From: "Michael Tresca" <talien@toast.net>
Newsgroups: nu.kanga.list.mud-dev
Date: Tue, 31 Dec 2002 22:10:51 -0500
References: [1]
Organization: Kanga.Nu
Amanda Walker posted on Saturday, December 28, 2002 11:22 AM

> Wonderful!  Niche markets are great.  Niche markets paid for my
> house, my car, my pile of computer toys, my Renaissance costuming
> habit...  Serving a niche market well is much, much more rewarding
> than trying to hawk products to consumers at large, for several
> very simple but important reasons:

>   - Niche markets are less price sensitive and more
>   quality-sensitive.

>   - Niche markets consist of people who actively want products in
>   the niche.

>   - Niche markets tend to contain people who give more useful
>   feedback.

>   - Niche markets have higher degrees of customer loyalty and
>   repeat business.

Thank you Amanda!  You just summed up the pen-and-paper RPG industry
and why people still believe that niche market is still worth
working for (myself included).

> Of curse, there are a few downsides.  If you make a reputation in
> a niche of producing a crappy product, you might as well give up
> at that point, because the same brand loyalty works in reverse.

And you just summed up the downsides too. :)

Mike "Talien" Tresca
RetroMUD Administrator

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