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30076: Re: [MUD-Dev] Gay Characters in Videogames

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From: Matt Mihaly <the_logos@ironrealms.com>
Newsgroups: nu.kanga.list.mud-dev
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2004 18:34:01 +0000 (GMT)
References: [1]
Organization: Kanga.Nu
On Mon, 12 Apr 2004, Michael Tresca wrote:

> From: http://www.armchairarcade.com/aamain/content.php?article.27

> A comprehensive overview of gay roles in gaming with definite
> application to player roles in online games.

Amusing (possibly) anecdote about gay roles in muds. Achaea's
administration is -very- intolerant of any sort of
gay-bashing. (Achaea is the only one of Iron Realms games that I
have direct in-game involvement with.) I've been known to punish
players for using the word 'gay' as a pejorative on public channels
even though the kids using the word that way probably don't
consciously realize how homophobic an insult that is at its core

In any case, despite our extremely pro-tolerance stand on
homosexuality a group of players has lately begun to accuse us of
homophobic behavior because we will not permit two men to have a
child together. Adoption is fine, of course, but we require that a
man and woman be the ones actually having children that are formally
registered into their bloodline.

The argument goes that this is a land of magic, and if we can have
Gods and big fire-breathing flying lizards why shouldn't magic allow
two men to have a child together? It's tricky because on the one
hand they're right: Not allowing a gay couple to have a biological
child is a conscious decision on our part. There is an additional
line of code put there specifically to prevent same-sex couples from
having children except via adoption.

So are we behaving homophobically by doing this? I don't know. I'm
extremely pro-gay-rights to the point of equating those opposing gay
marriage to the jackasses that oppose interracial marriage. But
something just rubs me the wrong way about allowing two men or two
women to have a child together. Yes, with the excuse of 'magic',
absolutely anything can be done. I guess the reason we prohibit it
is because I like to see players having to make sacrifices and
choices. It's good for storytelling and drama. I applaud our players
who roleplay gay characters (and who definitely face prejudice for
it in some cases) but I just feel like they're made much more
interesting by the fact that there is an actual tangible sacrifice
to be made in order to play this character. I'm sure someone else
will be able to put what I'm aiming at more succinctly as that
explanation comes across as pretty weak to me.

Anyway, thoughts? Are we just off base here? Should we bow to the
pressure of this (very small but vocal) group of players and throw
them a proverbial bone? The Gods could certainly, in-role, enable
children to be had by same-sex couples.  --matt
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