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5230: Re: [MUD-Dev] Wild west (was Guilds & Politics)

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From: Ola Fosheim Grøstad <olag@ifi.uio.no>
Newsgroups: nu.kanga.list.mud-dev
Date: Sat, 10 Jan 1998 18:26:56 +0100 (MET)
References: [1]
Organization: Kanga.Nu
JC Lawrence <claw@under.Eng.Sun.COM> wrote:

(oops lost the attributions)

>>>> this.  Your MUD is research with human testobjects, do whatever
>>>> you want as long as it follows guidelines for such research.
>>>  There is a key difference -- players can bail at any instant
>>> without any expense.
>> Huh?  Explain the difference.  I don't see difference. AFAIK current
>> paradigms implies a lot more than the right to withdraw at your own
>> wish without any expense.
>There is no physical involvement, penalty, overt expense, contract,
>duty or obligation sundered.

I don't see how you can justify this.

>> There is of course more than one expense involved when you feel
>> forced to leave a mud in which you have invested time and effort,
>> and where you have found _real_ friends.
>And there is nothing to restrict those friendships from moving outside
>of the MUD environ to email, IRC, other MUDs, phone, RL, etc.  

It rarely work this way. It is a group, not neccessarily tight.

>>>  In the final analysis, if something is seen but nothing results
>>> from that having been seen, does it really matter?
>> Yes.  Because something results.  How can you fail to see this?
>The fact that someone is aware of something, but does nothing because
>of it, does not alter any equation or result that I can see.  You may
>dislike the fact that they are aware of it for whatever reasons, but
>as long as they do nothing with the data, the net effect is zero.

Nope. (I don't even bother to argue, due to what I see as your
tendancy of thinking in a reductionist/mechanist tradition, which I
personally find oversimplied.)
