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5284: Re: [MUD-Dev] Clients

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From: Shawn Halpenny <malachai@iname.com>
Newsgroups: nu.kanga.list.mud-dev
Date: Wed, 14 Jan 1998 09:41:05 -0500 (EST)
References: [1]
Organization: Kanga.Nu
On Tue, 13 Jan 1998, Matt Chatterley wrote:

> On Tue, 13 Jan 1998, Shawn Halpenny wrote:
> > On Sun, 11 Jan 1998, Matt Chatterley wrote:
> > 
> > My two cents:
> > 
> > > I think the most popular client features which people have
> > > described to me are an easy to view command line for entering
> > > commands (with no limit on length of lines), and a command
> > > history as well as a 'scroll back' of sorts (aka tf's /recall).
> > 
> > I would consider a toggleable vi-mode for the command line practically
> > a necessity.  Actually, a number of useful features from shells would be
> > nice:
> Hmm. I'm not sure exactly what you mean by 'vi' mode (one which responds
> instantly to keypresses in a char-by-char mode rather than typical line
> based approach?).

That's part of it, but if you're familiar with the standard UNIX
editor 'vi', that's the exact sort of thing I mean.  To those
unfamiliar with it, vi is ugly, terse, and often incomprehensible (it
is modal and a lot of people dislike the idea that there's a command
mode and an editing mode).  Those who use it frequently often can't
live without it.  If you're a bash or ksh shell user, the vi mode
available with them (set -o vi) is precisely what I was referring to.
> > - '!' syntax for recalling old commands
> > - an intelligent history list (as more commands are added, the user-visible
> >   offset of previous commands does not change)
> > - etc.
> I'm planning on allowing the binding of various keys (and macros) to
> client functions as well as commands to execute, so aliasing ! to 'last
> command' shouldn't be too hard (even to have it require an enter).

Oh, but it doesn't stop there :-)  Will I be able to type "!kil" to pull up
the most recent command beginning with "kil"?  And "!23" to pull up command

> For history list, I was originally pondering a two-fold system - a set of
> 'cycling' keys eg 'back one, forward one' etc, along with a scroll/click
> option, but decided it wouldn't be too bad to also extend this so you
> could have a separate window appear containing the last X commands
> executed to be clicked on too. This seems a logical extension.

On a related note, will the client prompt simply be the prompt as sent from
the MUD or a combination of the two?  Having a combination of the two and
allowing configuration of the client portion could be useful (depending on
the information the client retains (and presents) about commands (e.g.
current offset into history list, etc.)

[ ... ]

> > > Also a simple information communication system so that screens such as
> > > 'score' and 'stats' which are popular names for similar things on many
> > > games can be permanently displayed or toggled (dynamically updated via
> > > communication from the server to the client), perhaps on an 'information
> > > window' which works as a 'pinboard' allowing iconisation of each window
> > > and such.
> > 
> > I would like to be able to control the positions and sizes (within reason)
> > of all user interface elements.  The information the MUD may be sending is
> > fine, but I'd like more control over where I have to look to get it.
> This is high on my list - something I really want to go for with this
> 'extra information' is 'extra control'. If the mud offers to send
> graphics, you should be able to y/n each transfer, and also to set
> parameters for automatic acception/refusal (eg: Accept all graphics of 20k
> or less which are in gif or jpg format).

I think some initial (sensible) default parameters would be
appropriate.  If the first time I log on to the MUD I have to (for
example) y/n each graphic transfer, I'll be frustrated that it
doesn't just work sort of OK and then after I decide I want to
continue playing, I can twiddle the client interface to my heart's

FWIW, sounds to me like you've got a good direction for it all in mind.

Shawn Halpenny