Article 9049 of rec.arts.startrek: Path: pasteur!ames!ll-xn!husc6!hao!boulder!cu-den!udenva!jtrim >From: (Jeff Trim) Newsgroups: rec.arts.startrek Subject: The NEXT, NEXT Generation - how it all began! Message-ID: <> Date: 17 Jan 88 09:19:40 GMT Reply-To: jtrim@udenva.UUCP (Jeff Trim) Organization: U of Denver Lines: 156 Picard: "Personal log: Star Date 11.34.5. Wesley and I have beamed down to the Sixth Planet of the Ceti Alpha Six System. I have high hope that this will be a great place for people "Wesley's Age" to play on. That is why I have asked him to accompany me on this VITAL mission. Wesley: "KKKHHHHAAAANNNNNN!!!' Khan: "Who is this little sh-t?" Picard: "Oh...uh...this is mean Ensign Wesley of the USS Enterprise." Khan: "I see. WHY ARE YOU HERE??" [ Picks up Wesley by his shirt ] Picard: "Uh, Kind Sir, would you please put him down?" Khan: "This seems to bother you. WHY???" Picard: " reason. Never Mind." Khan: "That's what I thought. Let me introduce to you the only remaining indigious life form that keeps this series going. Script Writers" Wesley: "NOOOOOO!!!!!" Picard: "Oh God, no!" Khan: "You see they enter through the households of millions of consumers and without them, you wouldn't have a job! As you can see...not quite domesticated.." [ Enter Script Writer! - Bob ] Bob: "Okay Khan, I'll take it from here." Khan: "WHY?????" Bob: "Khan, pick your check up at the door now, thank you! Look, I can see that this is all my fault. I have been instructed by mean Gene not to stray into orginality, rather to stick with the old-tried true series of 25 years ago." Picard: "Quick Wesley, I want you to get us out of this mess!" Khan: [ Wispers to Script Writer ] "Look the series is not over. All you have to do is put a Ceti EEL into Wesley ear and no more problem. And as for you, start writting original scripts!" Bob: "Original Scripts. What the Hell do you mean Original Scripts?? Don't you realize the time and money we spend going back through 25 year old re-runs and copying line for line, word for word..." Khan: "WHY????" Bob: "Oh Shut-Up Khan!" Bob: [ Flips open the Communicator ]"Kirk are you getting all this?" Kirk: "Right I am Bob. Boy you are in a rut." Spock: "Spock here Bob - If I may say, Logically speaking the logical idea would be to TRASH the kid and series and try this one again Bob. You really created a bunch of garbage this time around. Obviously what we need now is a new team of script writters who are not afraid to come up with original ideas." Bob: "Okay Spock, but what about can I deal with a Motzart that can do everything." Spock:"That's your problem. Spock out." Bob: "Okay...fresh idea....Okay - Khan come back in here!" Bob: "Okay Wesley stand over there, yeah that;s right, right next to that extra with the phaser. Good Boy. Now Khan, your next line will be "Die Weakling Fool", okay?" Khan: "WHY???" Bob: "THAT'S IT!! I QUIT!!! Gene - get down here and finish this d-mn thing" Gene: "Alright Bob, pick your check up at the door" Gene: "Picard, call the ship. And I want you to Surrender and turn all control over to the Betazoid, okay?" Picard: "Sure why not, Gene. Picard to Ryker, I want all control of the USS Enterprise given to the Betazoid." Ryker: "But Captain, I am "Your Number 1" arn't I?" Picard: "Just a second... [puts the communicator down ] Gene?" Gene: "Yes, Picard, what is it?" Picard: "Ryker's my "Number One" right?" Gene: "Boy - I can't imagine how I got someone as dumb as you! I should have left you on DUNE. When that was a complete flop I knew I was in for a real let down. How will I ever face the boys at Paramont. Picard: "Ryker - uh..Yes you are still my number one. Let me talk to Diana Troi now okay?" Gene: "While your at it Ryker - take one last smile at the camera and YOU can pick YOUR check up at the door. Bye now." Ryker: "NOOO!!!!! I look great in front of the camera!" Gene: "CUT! Okay folks this is really enough. I remember back when i created all of this - this Star Trek was MY IDEA..MINE, MINE, MINE,MINE,MINE, look what they've done to me! Wesley's and Picards, Betazoids...look at this mess. How could they possibly come up with such rediculous characters. Well this is IT! Come in Troi" Troi: "Here Gene - Are you in great pain?" Gene: "God - I can't even get a simple feeling across these people. YES I AM IN GREAT PAIN. Listen - I want you to tell the crew for me that I appreciate all that they have done - if Yar gives you any trouble let her be the one to destroy the ship - she'll appreciate it okay?" Troi: "Gene - I feel resentment, anger, depression, annoyance, as if you are correcting a great mistake. I want you know that I FEEELLLL it too." Gene: "Nice of you to CARE Troi. Pick your check up at the door!" Gene: "Wesley my boy, come here son. Wesley - I have leaned that 99.9% of the viewing audience is below the age of 12. That is why when the NEXT, NEXT, Generation comes out I want you to command it okay?" Wesley: "GEEE GOLLY Mister Roddenberry that would be swell. You sure are the greatest Gene." Gene: "I thought you'd like that, as for your crew, we'll have Buffy from BattleStar Galactica as your second in command, and Howdy-doddy as your navigator." Wesley: "Boy - I can't wait" [ two weeks later ] Space, the Final Frontier......These are the Voyages of the Wesley and the NEXT,NEXT Enterprise, and it's on going useless (Mozart to the stars) mission to seek out things that nobody cares about and make them worse than they allready were. +-------------------------- The authors would like to say that the ABOVE is meant ONLY as a joke. NO, we don't want to see the new show canceled - but we would like to see a few things changed :-). This is only a joke... Please E-Mail ALL Flames - don't post them to the net. Jeff Trim and George Playdon - 1/16/88