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Gopher: faqnews1.txt

 *  FAQNEWS1.TXT contentsplain
 *  Using a suitable right margin in the news and email.plain
 *  <none>plain
 *  Asking for emailed news repliesplain
 *  Appropriate signature lengthplain
 *  Lists of anonymous ftp sitesplain
 *  How to extract files from c.b.i.p.plain
 *  Offering to email filesplain
 *  Pleas for extremely common programsplain
 *  Posted hoax petitionsplain
 *  Crackpot messagesplain
 *  What to do about abusive messagesplain
 *  How to submit a binary postingplain
 *  Do not post binaries directlyplain
 *  Instructions about cross-postingplain
 *  Where are the net rules availableplain
 *  What to do about a mislaid postingplain
 *  Where to put test postingsplain
 *  What is archieplain
 *  My replying habitsplain

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