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Gopher: faqnews2.txt

 *  FAQNEWS2.TXT contentsplain
 *  Mark shareware/freeware/etc status to file listsplain
 *  How can I send email to CompuServe from InterNet?plain
 *  How does one create a new Usenet newsgroup??plain
 *  Canceling postingsplain
 *  Limiting news distributionplain
 *  Should I thank for posted advice?plain
 *  Can I say hello and find friends on news.newusers.questions?plain
 *  How long will my posting stay on the Usenet news?plain
 *  Where did my Usenet posting disappear?plain
 *  Why are Usenet news postings out of sequence?plain
 *  Chain lettersplain
 *  List of newsgroupsplain
 *  Typical responses to adviceplain

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