The Newest Files

Files added to TEXTFILES.COM on Thu May 16, 2002

Description of the Textfile
mw-000.txt 2485
"Introduction to MW" by Raven
mw-001.txt 6901
"Disturbing Thoughts" by Raven
mw-002.txt 2593
"Untitled Poem" by Mustaine
mw-003.txt 7116
"School Phun #1" by Raven
mw-004.txt 4905
"Music Review: #1" by Mustaine
mw-005.txt 4085
"Technology..." by Raven
mw-006.txt 5725
"Music Review: #2" by Mustaine
mw-007.txt 4341
"Cruelty to Animals" by Raven
mw-008.txt 21966
"Network Hacking #1/2" by Mustaine
mw-009.txt 10175
"Network Hacking #2/2" by Mustaine
mw-010.txt 4681
"Mind Warp! Index #1" by Raven
mw-011.txt 6717
"Phone Death" by Raven
mw-012.txt 13073
"STUPIDRV.EXE" by Mustaine
mw-013.txt 2947
"Class Voting" by Raven & Catwoman
mw-014.txt 8736
"Music Review: #3" by Mustaine
mw-015.txt 4769
"Miscellaneous Poetry" by Dark Horse
mw-016.txt 4393
"Editorial" by Mustaine
mw-017.txt 5149
"What the Crime Bill SHOULD Read:" by Raven
mw-018.txt 6183
"Kids...They suck." by Mustaine
mw-019.txt 2163
"Untitled Poem" by Dark Horse
mw-020.txt 5285
"Phun With Snot" by Mustaine
mw-021.txt 3554
"The World's Suckiest Jobs" by Catwoman & Raven
mw-022.txt 4496
"Philisophical Wonderings" by Buckwheat
mw-023.txt 4489
"Whining about 'The Lion King' :)" by Mustaine
mw-024.txt 2949
"Just What the Hell IS Summer?" by Buckwheat
mw-025.txt 6628
"Music Review #4" by Mustaine
mw-026.txt 7853
"Mind Warp! Index #2" by Raven
mw-027.txt 4028
"The BLOND Virus" by Mustaine
mw-028.txt 5312
"Lighter Tricks" by Raven
mw-029.txt 2943
"Driving Grievances" by Slartibartfast
mw-030.txt 2808
"Untitled Poem" by Deker
mw-031.txt 3317
"Letter to Bozak" by Mustaine
mw-032.txt 3476
"Race" by Slartibartfast
mw-033.txt 4791
"Wild Walk" by >Anonymous<
mw-034.txt 6422
"School Phun #2" by Raven
mw-035.txt 3302
"The DAVE Continuum" by Slartibartfast
mw-036.txt 4578
"Misc. Poetry" by Mustaine
mw-037.txt 4259
"Labels Galore" by Raven
mw-038.txt 1934
"Untitled Poem #2" by Deker
mw-039.txt 3394
"What Happened to Musty?" by Mustaine
mw-040.txt 10007
"Mind Warp! Index #3" by Raven
mw-041.txt 6915
"Music Review #5" by Mustaine
mw-042.txt 5788
"the wop wop" by Angst
mw-043.txt 12033
"Musty's College Thang" by Mustaine
mw-044.txt 2527
"Rock the Cradle" by Mustaine
mw-045.txt 3723
"Stereograms" by raven
mw-046.txt 4471
"Musty's Ego Trip :)" by Mustaine
mw-047.txt 5576
"End of the World" by Killer Wombat
mw-048.txt 5921
"Music Review #6" by Mustaine
mw-049.txt 7695
"Musty Gets down and Dirty" by Mustaine
mw-050.txt 1894
"X-Men Chapstick" By Angst
mw-051.txt 4283
"Roomates" by Mustaine
mw-052.txt 3660
"Top Ten Lists" by Mustaine
mw-053.txt 6240
"Friends" by Mustaine
mw-054.txt 12563
"Mind Warp! Index #4" by Raven
mw-055.txt 2841
"That Wonderful, Awful Grinch" by Dark Horse
mw-056.txt 2209
"Sheep & Wool" by Pride
mw-057.txt 4229
"Poems for Alyson" by Dark Horse
mw-058.txt 8561
"Music Review: #7" by Mustaine
mw-059.txt 2115
"Sleazy" by Pride
mw-060.txt 8320
"Adventures in the Potty" by Mustaine
mw-061.txt 7807
"OOPS.ZIP" by Mustaine
mw-062.txt 5073
"Compression Utilities" by >Anonymous<
mw-063.txt 7233
"Midnight Blues - 1st Solo" by Dark Horse
mw-064.txt 10108
"Smurfs & Chicks " by Mustaine & Friends
mw-065.txt 4299
"Misc. Poetry" by Pride
mw-066.txt 4791
"Flame Response" by Mustaine
mw-067.txt 5388
"Musty Flames People #2" by Mustaine
mw-068.txt 2958
"Where's Raven?" by Mustaine
mw-069.txt 8789
"huh 69 huh" by >Anonymous<
mw-070.txt 13092
"Mind Warp! Index #5" by Mustaine
mw-071.txt 3264
"What the Hell???" by Mustaine
mw-072.txt 4628
"American Folk Stories : 2129 A.D." by Raven
mw-073.txt 4505
"Egypt Air 1996" by Mustaine
mw-074.txt 3428
"New Handgun Application" by Raven
mw-075.txt 5132
"Music" by Ninja-Man Bob
mw-076.txt 3297
"Squid's Poem" by Squid
mw-077.txt 15373
"Mind Warp View" by Raven
mw-078.txt 2578
"Misc. Love Poems" by Mustaine
mw-079.txt 13491
"Mind Warp! Index #6" by Mustaine
mw-080.txt 5545
"Surfing the Night Away" by Mustaine
mw-081.txt 5010
"Chronicles of Influenza" by Mustaine
mw-082.txt 1600
"Angry Thoughts" by Mustaine
mw-083.txt 6332
"Music Review: #8" by Mustaine
mw-084.txt 2154
"Warp, Mind" - by Mustaine
mw-085.txt 2262
"This Indiana Night" - by Chris
mw-086.txt 4408
"Editorial #2" - by Mustaine
mw-087.txt 2563
"Watching the Clouds" - by Chris
mw-088.txt 2553
"Four Essential Questions" - by Chris
mw-089.txt 2770
"Excuses to Get Out of Class" - by Raven
mw-090.txt 3436
"Whimsical Theories" - by Chris
mw-091.txt 3186
"To Save a Maiden" - by Chris
mw-092.txt 6247
"Music Review #9" - by Mustaine
mw-093.txt 15263
"Mind Warp! Index #7" by Mustaine
agv.txt 4112
An Anti-Gravity Vehicle, by Michael Johnson (March 24, 1996)
alear1.txt 25266
Statement from John Lear regarding EBEs (Aliens Among Us) (December 29, 1987)
alear2.txt 59262
Transcriptions of a Talk in 1989 by Mr. Milton William Cooper (November 24, 1989)
cschiff.txt 41925
18 Pages of Information Released to CUFON by Congressman Steve Schiff Regarding Roswell
humanguinea.txt 4096
Human Guinea Pigs are as American As Apple Pie, by Samuel Chavkin (March 19, 1995)
insidevolt.txt 9607
Bentwaters Soldier Saw Inside Super-Secret Vault, by Michael Lindemann (1995)
nasasecrets.txt 13736
A Collection of NASA Secrets (1994)
shuttle_conspiracy.txt 48008
The Shuttle Conspiracy by Dr. Beter