Virtual March on Mexico City Folks: It is now extremely easy for all of you with access to the WWW to participate in the Marcha Virtual in support of the EZLN trip to Mexico City and against the Mexican government's efforts to stop it. All you have to do is go to the following web page, URL = There you will find an explanation of the protest, and, more importantly, a hotlink which will allow you to send the same message to all the intended recipients at once. You click on the hotlink and up pops a ready to send blank message already addressed! Just fill in and click to send. The page also contain a hotlink to sign-in, letting the organizers know that you have sent the message of support. Moreover, you can also see all the names of everyone (yourself included) who has already participated. Once you sign-in your name appears instantly. Very immediate gratification! So..... get on the stick and punch in the above URL. Providing support for the Zapatistas and sending a message to the State has never been easier. Harry PS: If you don't have access to the WWW you can send the same message to the following addresses. CC's are almost as easy.... PRESIDENCY OF THE MEXICAN REPUBLIC HUMAN RIGHTS ORGANIZATIONS AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL CENTRO DE DERECHOS HUMANOS FRAY BARTOLOME DE LAS CASAS MEDIA LA JORNADA PROCESO CONTROL MAIL -- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Find out about the Revolution in Mexico This summer 4,000 people from 43 countries met "for Humanity and against neoliberalism" there