Rumspringa is a Pennsylvania German term meaning, literately, "Running Around". Like many people who run websites, I take some of my greatest pleasure in meeting people who use the site and talking to them face-to-face. But I don't want to have another dreary meeting, held furtively in the back of a pizza place or using borrowed public space; I'd like to try something a little special and different.

I am located in the Boston, Massachusetts area, and there is a restaurant I have discussed the possibility of having meetings at. It's called the News Restaurant, and has both a comfortable meeting room (with bar!) and a full menu until 4am, every night.

The tentative idea would be to have a monthly meeting, that is held in this comfortable restaurant, going into a evening, and having two speakers, each presenting a speech or demonstration while people enjoy their meals. I would choose two people who compliment but don't duplicate each other.

The cost of eating there would be more than at a fast food restaurant and it would perhaps project an air of formality, but I believe that there are plenty of organizations in Boston and around the world that have as much informality and thriftiness. It doesn't need another one. I want a night to remember, every month.

I would like to find out interest in this idea. Please mail me at rumspringa@textfiles.com if you have an interest in attending. Please let me know where you are coming from, and anything else you want to say about this idea. If there is enough interest, we'll have ourselves a rumspringa.

Thanks for listening to my little idea.

- Jason Scott