AxMan v2.11 9-14-97 by: bulll url Well Ive never written a tut on anything before so if this just confuses the hell out of you then just dont use it. I crack or patch things usually not by going in and checking for a serial but just by using my W32dasm and Hexworks...and sice3.0. But this method works great for alot of programs that Ive worked on but not all so you cant completely use this method "all" the time. So first i guess you need to be sure you got all these tools. And if you're readin this I assume you already have them. If you dont get them and then come back. First of all just run the program and youll see the nasty nag screen. Hit the register button and enter info in all the boxes (use what ever you want ....Now you could bpt on getdlgitem and start there but thats not what this tuts about) Now press the OK button and youll see another little nasty nagger tellin you that the reg nfo was incorrect. So by now you know what you need to get rid of. Now enter sice and do a bpt on DialogBoxParamA.........(Again I assume that you know how to use sice and get in and out of it and set breakpoints) Now press ctrl-d to get out of sice and youre back in axman. Just exit the prog and restart it and blam! we're back in sice. Now you know that this breakpt is the first nasty nag so we want to get rid of it. Now do a d eip to see what the code is. We see FF15D8144200C8... so now we need to change our code to get rid of the screen. So we exit sice and fire up our hexworks. Do a search for our code. Change FF15D8144200 to 909090909090 because it takes six bytes for the call and we want to get rid of it. And 90 is nop ( no operation ). Now once youve changed this you need to save this file to another name because you dont want to ruin your "good nagged" exe. Now once youve saved it start it up and youll see that you have no nasty nag you just go straight into the program. Now isnt that much better. But hey .........when we click on register in the about box and enter a number we get another nasty nag telling us that our reg info was bad. Well we'll fix this too. Now just fire up your w32dasm and load up your AxMan.exe. Now once youve got it loaded just look up in the Refs section (references) and goto the string data ref. Now look for anything interesting to registration. You see........Thank you for registering. Now dbl click on that and youll end up in the code for that ref. Now just scroll up a bit to find the last compare before our "nag" and youll see a jmp......actually this will be a jge (jump if greater or equal) Hmmmmmmmm..........what if we change this thing to an jmp. That way it will register no matter what we put in. Well lets look at our code youll see................ 004024CB 7D15 . Now we have to head back to our hexworks. Search for 7D15. Now weve found it we need to change it to a jmp which is EB. So do that and then save this in our previously saved file. Now all you have to do is run your hexed version of AxMan ........Great no nasty when we register it we get the "Thank you for registering" ......... Thats it.......Hope this was really self explanatory. And if it wasn't well.......this is my first tut so bare with me. The main reason that I got this program was because my good ole Windoze95 Backup just wasnt cutting the crap this morning so I went searching the net for something that would do the job and I stumbled on this shareware. I know that this probably isnt the "cleanest" of cracks but hey Im just starting and it works for me!!!! I'd like to say thanks to all the ops in #cracking4newbies and thanx to all the regulars that help me out. You all know who you are so I dont have to waste my time typing it out. bulll