NOTE: Our statistics programs haven't been active for some time, but we're still maintaining this gopherspace. Welcome to The WELL's on-line magazine. The WELL is a commercial conferencing system located in Sausalito, California. For more information look in "The WELL Itself" menu item. This "gopher-space" is an experimental attempt by the WELL to provide a _pro bono_ service to the public in general and users of the Internet in particular. This Well Magazine is intended to be separate from the WELL's conferencing environment. The content you find here will probably evolve along a different path than the intensely conversational WELL conferences. This is something new. Let's find out what. The contents of this on-line magazine will be evolving as time goes by and we are very interested in suggestions you may have. If you would like to contact the "curators" of this project you can send electronic mail to: ********************************************************************** Some quick notes on how to use gopher: You use your arrow keys o move up and down, or just type the number of the item you want to see. You can go forwards or backwards a whole menu page with > and < Once you move to an item, using the arrow keys, you can see it by typing or , or you can save or download the file. If you type "s" to save the item it will be saved in your directory on the machine where you are logged in. If you type "D" to download you will get a menu of ways to download the item - it will end up on your own PC if you are dialed into an Internet site and using gopher from there. You can e-mail an item to yourself or someone else by typing: "m" at the pager prompt while reading an item, or at the end of reading an item. Type: "?" (a question mark) for a list of other commands.