httpText= WELLGopher

Welcome to WELLGopher, a service of The WELL.

The WELLgopher was the very first free service the WELL offered to the Internet community, back in 1993 after the WELL actually got connected to The Internet. It was a big deal in those days and we wanted to do something cool for all the other folks on the 'net.

The "About" section tells more about this server.

A lot has changed on the 'net since 1993, and The WELL has a lot more net-based stuff available now - and all WELL users can publish their own stuff here easily.

The WELL runs a regular http server, which contains a great deal of interesting pages created by WELL users and staff and friends. The top level of the WELL WWW server is at Please have a look.

Here is the main menu of the WELL's gopher server:

endText= # Name=About this gopherspace (including a quick "How To" guide) Path=1/about # Name=Internet Outbound (Links we think are cool) Path=1/outbound # Name=Art, Music, Film, Cultural works, etc Path=1/Art # Name=Authors, Books, Periodicals, Zines (Factsheet Five lives here!) Path=1/Publications # Name=Business in Cyberspace: Ventures (and Resources) on the Matrix Path=1/Business # Name=Communications and Media Path=1/Communications # Name=Community Path=1/Community # Name=Cyberpunk and Postmodern Culture Path=1/cyberpunk # Name=Environmental Issues and Ideas Path=1/Environment # Name=Hacking Path=1/hacking # Name=K-12 Education Path=1/education # Name=The Matrix (information about the global networks) Path=1/matrix # Name=The Military, its People, Policies, and Practices Path=1/Military # Name=Politics Path=1/Politics # Name=Science Path=1/Science # Name=The WELL itself Path=1/The_WELL # Name=Whole Earth Review, the Magazine Path=1/WER # Name=Whole Systems Path=1/whole_systems # httpText=

Notes by Matisse Enzer Dec 1995